The power duo: account-based marketing and buyer personas 

Back in 2017, the B2B marketing community was buzzing about “account-based marketing” (ABM). This came after a period dominated by “inbound marketing”. However, the emergence of a new method doesn’t mean we abandon the old ones! ABM and buyer personas are a power duo.

Understanding inbound marketing and the role of buyer personas 

Inbound marketing is a strategy centered on creating engaging content, like articles or videos, that draw people towards your website or social media platforms. To excel in this, understanding your potential customers’ interests is key. Here, buyer personas prove invaluable. These fictional characters mimic real customers, guiding you to create content that your audience finds attractive. 

What is account-based marketing (ABM)? 

ABM is a focused strategy where specific businesses are targeted for sales. This requires a synchronized effort between the sales and marketing departments. The team identifies companies to target, understands potential buyers within these companies, and determines what might influence their buying decisions. 

Distinguishing inbound marketing from ABM 

The critical difference between inbound marketing and ABM lies in the granularity. Comparatively, while inbound marketing is broad, ABM requires a deep understanding of the targeted companies to create very specific content. 

Buyer personas: a key ingredient in ABM 

Does the rise of ABM mean getting rid of buyer personas? Not at all! They continue to be instrumental in understanding individuals within the targeted companies in ABM

The value of buyer personas in B2B marketing 

Buyer personas serve as your B2B marketing compass. They allow you to understand your potential customers in depth. B2B marketing decisions often involve several individuals with unique roles and perspectives. By creating detailed buyer personas, you gain a clearer image of these players, learning about their specific needs, challenges, and decision triggers. This allows you to create campaigns that will convert better and bring in higher revenue.

Transform your marketing with Buyer Personas

We help you create an in-depth buyer persona that can guide your marketing efforts to success.  Let’s get started!

Leveraging buyer personas for effective communication 

This knowledge enables you to tailor your marketing messages and content to align with their interests. Whether it’s dealing with their unique pain points, offering solutions to their challenges, or using industry specific language, buyer personas play a crucial role. They aren’t just about relevancy; they are about building trust

When potential customers feel that you understand them, they’re more likely to trust your business and consider you a potential partner. Hence, in B2B marketing, buyer personas are not just helpful; they’re essential. They steer your marketing efforts and facilitate stronger, more meaningful relationships with potential customers. 

Buyer personas and ABM: a power duo 

Buyer personas and ABM go together very well. They are like two tools in your toolbox; used together, they enable you to better attract potential customers with content and messages they find appealing. 

The continued relevance of buyer personas and ABM in 2023 and beyond

As we move through 2023 and beyond, these two tools remain vital for businesses looking to foster meaningful connections with customers. They aren’t rivals, but partners, much like a hammer and a nail! 

Want help with your buyer persona and content plans? Send us an e-mail or give us a call.

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