New B2B marketing strategies: simple steps to connect and grow

We’ve been keen followers of the Annual B2B Benchmark issued by CMI for years, and in the latest report, we uncovered interesting insights. The 13th Annual B2B Content Marketing report talks about the changes in content marketing, offering valuable insights and presenting the challenges that marketers are dealing with. Here are key takeaways and main challenges shaping the strategies and operational priorities for the coming year.

Key takeaway: customer journey says it all

  1. Strategic approach and documentation: Despite the increased recognition of content marketing’s importance, many marketers still operate without a documented strategy. Only 40% have a documented content marketing strategy, emphasising a significant gap in strategic planning and execution.
  2. Content differentiation: Successful content marketers distinguish themselves by producing superior quality content, exploring topics their competitors do not, and actively promoting their content. This differentiation is crucial for standing out in a crowded market.
  3. The resurgence of in-person events: In-person events have made a strong comeback, with nearly half of the marketers using them to engage with their audience. These events are highly effective, signalling a shift back to more traditional engagement methods post-pandemic.
  4. Digital expansion: There’s an increasing interest in leveraging online communities and social media for content distribution, with a notable uptick in investment in these channels. This trend highlights the ongoing search for more interactive and engaging platforms to connect with audiences.
  5. Technology and tools: A significant challenge for many marketers is finding and effectively utilising the right technology to manage content across their organisation. Only 28% believe they have the right technology in place, pointing to a critical area for improvement.
  6. Staffing and resource allocation: Many organisations still struggle with inadequate staffing and resources for content marketing. The demand for more content creators and strategists is evident, as nearly half of the surveyed marketers anticipate hiring or contracting content producers in the coming year.

Challenges on the horizon

  1. Creating content for the buyer’s journey: Marketers face difficulties in developing content that appeals to different stages of the buyer’s journey, underscoring the need for a more nuanced understanding of audience needs and behaviours.
  2. Sales and marketing alignment: There’s a persistent challenge in aligning content efforts across sales and marketing, suggesting a gap in communication and collaboration that impedes the effective deployment of content strategies.
  3. Measurement and analytics: A common struggle among B2B marketers is the ability to accurately measure content performance, and integrate data across multiple platforms. This issue highlights the necessity for better tools and processes to extract actionable insights from content initiatives.

In light of these insights, B2B marketers are encouraged to adopt a more strategic and documented approach to content marketing, explore new platforms and technologies for engagement, and prioritise sales and marketing alignment efforts. As the landscape continues to evolve, staying ahead of these challenges and trends will be key to achieving content marketing success.

Another trend to keep an eye on, not based on the Benchmark results from CMI, but based on what we see at SPOTONVISION, is the shift from lead generation to demand generation. This will also impact the way we create content.

Shift from lead generation to demand generation

In lead generation, the focus is primarily on converting a lead. Lately, we have noticed that it is becoming increasingly difficult to achieve, due to several reasons:

  • 83% of the purchasing process occurs without any interaction with a supplier
  • multiple stakeholders are involved in B2B purchases
  • forms are being filled out less frequently

Many marketing and sales teams are at their wits’ end, wondering, “How do we then reach our target audience?”

We are witnessing a strong rise in demand generation, where the emphasis is on increasing brand awareness. At the same time, there is a noticeable shift in channels being used: fewer paid ads, and more face-to-face events. With new tools available for personalisation, we also see a significant emergence of account-based marketing and sales.

To conclude: New ways to win in B2B marketing

Here’s a simple plan to keep up with these changes: Look at your marketing plans and see if they’re ready for these new trends.

  • Craft content that speaks directly to what your buyers are interested in.
  • Use events and personal meetings to build stronger connections.
  • And think about making your messages fit better with each specific buyer or business you’re targeting.

The key to doing well in B2B marketing now is to understand and connect with your audience. Start checking your plans today to find ways to focus more on building interest in your brand. It’s time to get creative and put your audience first to grow your business in new ways.

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