Interactive content in B2B

Most B2B marketing teams are working on a content marketing strategy; it is however becoming increasingly difficult to stand out from your competitors. Good content is no longer enough. If you want to compete online, you must create content that not only stands out, but also captivates and engages the user on a higher level.

More and more you see the use of interactive content where the user is actively involved. Content in which the user can interact with proves to be very effective: it generates more engagement compared to static content and it is seen as very useful when tackling a business challenge.

In this article, we will discuss the advantages of interactive content and how you can use it yourself.

What is interactive content?

Interactive content is any type of content (such as a calculator, assessment, interactive infographic, or video) that encourages users to participate actively rather than passively read or watch it. The reader (or viewer) becomes part of a dynamic and interactive experience.

This user interaction results in content that adapts to the user’s need or context. It makes it valuable for the user but also for you as a marketer (we’ll talk more on this later).

Examples of interactive content in B2B

Quiz or poll

The most used interactive content is a quiz or poll. Quizzes and polls are fun and easy to share via social media. They are ideal for testing your target group’s knowledge or opinion on a particular subject or for finding out what they are interested in. The information you collect can be used as input for new content ideas.

Quizzes and polls are ideal for the awareness phase and for building your brand.



Another form of interactive content is the calculator. With a calculator, your user can calculate what something costs or delivers. An online calculator can also help buyers analyse complex data in a simple and structured manner.

A calculator is a great addition to a price page or blog. It allows users to translate the (price) information into their own context. The ROI calculator is a most-used tool for this.



A configurator makes it possible for the user to create and select options him- or herself. Every car brand offers online configurators, as well as photo album suppliers. They let the user configure their own product or service. They add tips or advice during the process, with the most suitable configuration as a result.

configurator b2b


With the growing number of available products, many web shops have developed a solution to help the user find the best suitable product or service. You see them on comparison sites for telephones, energy, TVs, e-bikes, insurances and so on. But they can also be used B2B marketing to help your buyers determine which product is the best option based on their input and criteria.



Assessments are basically extensive surveys which give the user personalized advice or a benchmark report. Very convenient for guiding prospects through complex sales or selection processes. A good example is a maturity scan that gives buyers a framework to assess their own situation: “Where am I and what are my next steps?”


Interactive e-books and landing pages

More and more you’ll find content enriched with animated graphical elements. Not a boring PDF but a web page that offers an experience. Through interaction the users can decide their own way of reading the e-book. A great example is from Content4Demand “How to Create Awesome Buyer Enablement Content“.


Interactive videos and images

Videos and images can also be made interactive. These days they are especially effective with a strong focus on the visual aspect; adding interaction to images is a welcome addition for the user.

Example of an interactive image (click on 1 of the figures)

Advantages interactive content

Brand awareness

Interactive content makes you stand out. It provides interaction with your brand and creates a deeper experience with your product or service which is difficult to achieve with static content.


In B2B marketing, engagement is key. Interactive content translates to engagement. If you do it right, you can not only measure it but interactive content will drive conversions for extra business.


Interactive content helps the user to place your product or service in its own context. As Gary Vaynerchuk said: “Content is King, but context is God”. Knowing how something works is nice (1) but knowing how it will work in your own specific situation is even better (2). A blog or knowledge article answers question 1 and a calculator or recommender answers question 2: “How is that for my situation?”.

Buyer enablement

The goal of buyer enablement is to make the buying process simple and efficient for the buyer using content and tools. Interactive content is an important building block in this:

  • It provides insight
  • Answers questions
  • It offers different perspectives


All user interaction with your interactive content provides valuable data. You gain insights into interests, preferences, and behaviour. You can use this data to develop new content, improve your product/ service or enrich your lead profile.

Starting with interactive content

The creation of interactive content is more work than writing a blog. Fortunately, there are many tools available that make the creation a lot easier. Before you start developing interactive content, it is important to make a note of the following points:

  • Start by determining what purpose it should serve and what form is the best option.
  • Make it part of your content marketing strategy. Give it the right place so that it reaches its full potential.
  • Developing interactive content is step one; but remember that promoting is just as important.
  • If you want to use user data for your own purposes, research well how you should set this up according to GDPR.


Survey AnyPlace

With Survey Anyplace you can create surveys, quizzes and assessments with many handy extra features like integration with Zapier and the possibility to send the results in a personalized PDF.



ION is a platform that allows you to develop interactive content and experiences. The possibilities are extensive. From assessment and calculator to interactive infographics and quizzes.



Outgrow is a much-used platform for the creation of interactive content. Here too, there is a wide range of output. No-coding interface and ideal for lead generation and enrichment.



Interacty is another platform for creating and publishing interactive content. The offering is more focused on fun and engagement.



Spott is a platform for developing and publishing interactive images, videos, and PDFs.

Want to know more about interactive content?

Do you want to know more about the use of interactive content? Feel free to reach out to us. We have a lot of experience and creativity in-house.

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